SystemC AMS Day 2011

Industry Adoption of the SystemC AMS Standard

Thursday, May 12, 2011
Dresden, Germany


The Open SystemC Initiative (OSCI) organized a free public event where system integrators, modeling experts, EDA suppliers and system-level design and verification architects and engineers shared and exchanged knowledge on the industrial application and benefits of using the emerging SystemC AMS 1.0 standard as the new system-level modeling language supporting mixed-signal ESL design and verification methodologies.

Scenes from SystemC AMS Day 2011This event was organized by NXP, ST, Infineon and Fraunhofer IIS/EAS and supported by OSCI and its sponsors. This first-time event highlighted the application of the SystemC AMS 1.0 standard and the usage of the standard compliant reference implementation developed and released by Fraunhofer IIS/EAS.

General Chair

Martin Barnasconi, NXP Semiconductors
OSCI AMS Working Group chair

Organization and Program Committee

  • Karsten Einwich, Fraunhofer IIS/EAS
  • Serge Scotti, STMicroelectronics
  • Wolfgang Scherr, Infineon Technologies

Presentations and posters

The SystemC AMS Day featured speakers from industry, EDA, research institutes and academia who presented the practical usage of the SystemC AMS standard in automotive, sensor, wired, and wireless applications:

  • Industry users: Northrop Grumman LITEF, Continental Corporation, Robert Bosch, Infineon Technologies, STMicroelectronics, NXP Semiconductors, Lantiq
  • EDA vendors: Magillem Design Services, Mentor Graphics
  • Research institutes: Fraunhofer IIS/EAS, OFFIS Institute, TIMA Laboratory
  • Academia: Vienna University of Technology, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Delft University of Technology

The proceedings, including all presentations of the event, can be downloaded here.

The posters can be downloaded here.


Thanks to our sponsors